Baby Pranks

"Baby Pranks" a short film by Jon Benjamin and Bill Buckendorff

Like the other video I uploaded, this is from one of the Home Movies seasons on DVD.

If you liked it, please read the comments that some people leave. They're hilarious! And if you didn't like it, feel free to leave a comment.

Update: Jon also has a new show on FX called "Archer" so check that out.

Another update: Jon has yet another show on Fox called "Bob's Burgers".

I also just noticed that Jon Glaser, the star of "Delocated", is in this too.

Yet another update: As if Archer and Bob's Burgers weren't enough to get our fix of Jon, He now has a show on Comedy Central called "Jon Benjamin has a Van"
I'm glad to see all these guys are doing awesome shows now.